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Brewers Clarex – Gluten & Haze Removal


Brewers Clarex is a highly effective fining agent that removes colloidal haze. Easily applied during the fermentation process.

Can also be used for the removal of gluten during the fermentation stage. The gluten levels are dropped below 20ppm to be classified as gluten free.

Dosage : 1 ml (30 drops) per 25Lof wort when pitching Yeast

16 in stock

Unit: SKU: 49759 Categories: , ,


Brewers Clarex is a highly effective fining agent that removes colloidal haze. Easily applied during the fermentation process.

Can also be used for the removal of gluten during the fermentation stage. The gluten levels are dropped below 20ppm to be classified as gluten free.

Dosage : 1 ml (30 drops) per 25Lof wort when pitching Yeast

Bottle of 10 ml

Additional information

Weight 50 g


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