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Gin Basket for Pure Distilling Pot Head


Gin Basket for Pure Distilling Pot Head

This Gin Basket for a Pure Distilling Pot Head is a 140mm long stainless steel mesh cannister with a hook to hang from the thermowell inside the pot head. The mesh cannister can hold around 60g of mixed botanicals.

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Unit: Each SKU: 60566 Category:


Gin Basket for Pure Distilling Pot Head

This Gin Basket for a Pure Distilling Pot Head is a 140mm long stainless steel mesh cannister with a hook to hang from the thermowell inside the pot head. The mesh cannister can hold around 60g of mixed botanicals.

This Gin Basket for a Pure Distilling Pot Head Condenser is a 140mm long stainless steel mesh cannister with a hook to hang from the thermowell inside the pot head. The mesh cannister can hold around 60g of mixed botanicals.

Perfect for making traditional Gin with your Pure Distilling system.

Instructions for use can be found here: Pure Distilling Gin Basket Pot Head Instructions

Gin Basket for Pure Distilling Pot Head
Gin Basket for Pure Distilling Pot Head

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