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Morgans Australian Draught


Morgans Australian Draught

A full flavoured beer, very similar to Carlton Draught. Golden in colour with a solid head like it just been poured from the tap at your local.

Flavouring Only Does Not Contain Alcohol

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Unit: 1.7Kg SKU: 16700 Categories: ,


Morgans Australian Draught

A full flavoured beer, very similar to Carlton Draught. Golden in colour with a solid head like it’s just been poured from the tap at your local.

Makes 23 Litres.

Clean, Crisp and Fresh

Morgans Australian range of beer concentrates follows the tradition of Australia’s iconic beer styles.

Formulated to allow you to produce that great Australian beer taste – clean, crisp and fresh with the perfect balance of bitterness for easy drinking.

Australian Made

Wholly Australian owned, Morgans Brewing Company has been producing quality beer concentrates for over 20 years.

Morgans use only the finest Australian ingredients to produce this classic range.

Do you want to improve your Beer Tin/Kit or ‘Kit & Kilo’ Brewing?

Are your home brews lacking mouthfeel and flavour?

Have you considered adding Grains and Hops for a fuller flavoured beer but are unsure of what matches the style?

Aussie Brewmakers have made it easy for you!

We have a full range of ready to use ‘Beer Kit Style Improvers’ that include Grains, Hops and easy to follow instructions.

Click the below link to see our matching Grain & Hop Packs and super-charge your next brew!

Flavouring Only Does Not Contain Alcohol

Beer Kit Style Improvers – Hop & Grain Packs

Additional information

Weight 1900 g
Dimensions 180 × 110 × 110 mm


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