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Coopers Sparkling Ale Recipe Instructions

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  • 1 x 1.7kg Coopers Series Innkeepers Daughter Sparkling Ale Beer Kit
  • 1 x 1.5kg Coopers Liquid Light Malt
  • 500g Light Dried Malt Extract
  • 300g Dextrose
  • Use yeast supplied with the beer kit

 Other Ingredients:

  • 200g of Dextrose if kegging with no secondary fermentation or bottle conditioning


  1. Clean / sterilize all equipment including fermenter and paddle
  2. Remove yeast supplied under the beer kit tin lid and set aside for later. Sit the beer kit tin and malt tin in hot water for 10 minutes to loosen contents
  3. Boil 2L of water in kettle
  4. Add 1.5L of boiled water to fermenter with Malt tin contents, Light Dried Malt Extract (add slowly to avoid clumping) and dextrose, then stir vigorously to dissolve
  5. Pour 250ml boiled water into the malt tin and stir to dissolve the remaining contents, then add to the fermenter
  6. Add contents of the beer kit tin to the fermenter and stir to thoroughly dissolve
  7. Pour 250ml boiled water into the beer kit tin and stir to dissolve the remaining contents, then add to the fermenter
  8. Add cold water to the fermenter to 22.5L and test temperature – make sure it is between 18-26 degrees before pitching yeast
  9. Take Hydrometer reading and pitch yeast and stir gently
  10. When fermentation finished check with hydrometer and bottle as per normal.

N.B. If kegging, add 200g of Dextrose at step 4

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